Mane Subject: Do you know your hair?

We girls love shampoos. Most of the time, we care less about whether the shampoo suits our hair type or our scalp, nor what our hair is feeding on based on the nutrient that each shampoo contained. Basically, it's all about the smell. Whether it's floral or fruity, we just love smelling that wonderful (edible?) scent after shower. Trust me, men find them inviting. ;)

I know some people would say, "I know what shampoo I need" Like what? Based on the price? If it's not about the scent, people would put their money on the table just to get the most expensive shampoo that will promise them great hair. A number of people would agree that expensive shampoo will make desirable hair. But it's not just about the price of the shampoo and what it contains. It's about what your hair needs.
Do we actually know our hair?
So before we buy shampoo (putting aside the fact that they smell good :D), what exactly do we need to know in order to get the right shampoo for our beautiful hair?
Here is an easy guide to buying shampoo based on what you need. Not exactly in depth, but I'm sure it helps ;)

Know your scalp/hair type
I guess, this is the very basic thing that you need to know when you wanna choose your shampoo. Oily, Dry, dandruff prone, combined. How do you determine this? For me, what I'll do is, I will check the condition of my hair at the end of the day. Check your scalp and the condition of your hair. If your head itches, check for dandruff.
I have a combination of oily scalp and dry hair.
Understand what you need
Yes! It's not all about scent or price. But of course, it's two of the many reasons why we care so much about shampoo. Once we have identified the type of hair/scalp we have, we can get the shampoo based on what we need. For my case, for combination hair type, I use two different shampoo alternately. Don't forget the conditioner. Easy right?

See.. It's not about getting to know your shampoo. It's about getting to know your hair.


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