Happy New Year!

Hello kids!

Been a while. First and foremost, a very Happy New Year to all of you readers. I hope it's not too late. But hey, it's only January. I guess I'm not THAT Late.

Sorry I have been neglecting this blog as I have so many things to do. Yeah I know I've been saying the same thing over and over again. I'm currently balancing work and some small business that I'm doing, which is Baking and selling cookies, cupcakes and cake pops! Hahaha. 

I have not established any official website for this small business, however, I will post it here (if I manage to create one, soon. I hope, * fingers crossed* )

Enough of business.

So since, it's new year, people usually talk about resolution. USUALLY, it's the end of the previous year and early new year, this heated topic is the talk of the town. Come June, people will forget about it and will come up with excuses of not wanting to think about it because there are always other things that are more important than those resolution. So why even think about having resolution every year end and not bothering about it later after 6 months?

Rather than having new resolution each year, why don't we sit down and think about those things we have achieved and what we have not achieved for the past, let say 3 years? Instead of putting up NEW resolutions each year (and later putting it in a jar that you will never revisit) why don't compiling the old ones and try to achieve it?

The usual Top 5 Resolutions that we know of and that we can never achieve are as below (based on survey done to 10 people closest to me. lol):

1) I want to lose weight 
2) I want save money so I can go on a luxurious vacation
3) I want to take care of my health and eat healthy, hence no 1
4) I want to do charity and be nice to people
5) I want to be rich

Ok, here are 5 reasons why the above are non achievable!

1) Seriously, I'm also having the same problem, this is the IT resolution. Everyone has this in their yearly resolution. But, of course, no execution. We only write this down, we don't even give a shit about losing weight. We go to gym only in January. We only diet the first week of January. We can't stop ourselves from going to TGIF, Nando's, high end restaurants. We can't stop ourselves from consuming fast food. We are all about hurrying life! That's why. We just suck like that. And that's a fact. So if you don't wanna admit you're a sucker, then do something about it. ( Self Note Too)

2) Seriously? Go back to number 1. If we (ever) think about saving money, we would NEVER think of going out to eat. Come to think about it, how did we manage to pull off fasting month and not normal days? Hence, no 1. LOL

3) Back to Number 1. We can do this! Come on. Eat healthy means no fast food! But we're lazy. We are too lazy! We can just cook at home and it doesnt take 10 mins to prepare home made pasta. Yet, we are the 21st century human beings. We are lazy!

4) This. It doesn't even have to be a resolution, you human!

5) Hence number 1, 2, 3, 4.

So really, why do we need NEW resolution every year?
No need to make a list. Just do 1 at least.

Peace :D


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